Page 1.
Fill in the Business Trust name and address, county, and Trustee’s phone and email.
Page 2.
- Fill in name of Trustor (Settlor). Can be the same as the person serving as Trustee.
- Fill in name and address of Initial Trustee. (If the Initial Trustee is married, the spouse is normally listed as Co-Trustee).
- Fill in name and address of Initial Co-Trustee.
- Fill in name and address of Successor Trustee.
- Fill in name and address of Initial Compliance Overseer. Compliance Overseer can be the same person as a Trustee.
Page 3.
- Fill in the name and address of Co-Compliance Overseer. (If the Initial Compliance Overseer is married, the spouse is normally listed as Co-Compliance Overseer).
- Fill in name of Successor Compliance Overseer.
- Fill in name of Beneficial Trust or Trusts.
- Review information.
Page 4.
Information only
Page 5.
Information continued
Page 6.
- Fill in name and contact information of Purchaser
- Fill in name of Business Trust.
- Purchaser Signs and Dates
- Use date you want to use as start date of the Trust. (Cannot backdate prior to purchase date!)
- Print Purchaser’s Name.